2022 BOMB Brewery Blitz
Saturday 21st May 2022
Saturday 21st May 2022
On Saturday May 21st, 2022 the BOMBers embarked on their first Brewery Blitz since last summer. That's a long dry spell without local breweries seeing the black and white shirted squad of thirsty home brewers blitzing their location ready to sample their finest fermentations and soak up as much pro brewer tips and knowledge as possible in a short visit.
Mother Nature was planning a scorcher in the upper 90's and PENNDOT would provide no smooth roads ... a test of mettle and resolve of the volunteers on this expedition...but we were determined to prevail and take on the challenge ahead. Bring on the first stop!!
Mother Nature was planning a scorcher in the upper 90's and PENNDOT would provide no smooth roads ... a test of mettle and resolve of the volunteers on this expedition...but we were determined to prevail and take on the challenge ahead. Bring on the first stop!!
Our first stop on the Chester County Brewery Blitz was Animated Brewing Co. in the town of Coatesville, PA. The weather was hot, but the beer was cold and we were ready to cool down with a few drafts. Members sampled a nice selection of ales at this brewery and a great first stop on what would prove to be an outstanding day.
Next, we headed south to the county seat of Chester County, West Chester. The first stop in the borough was Wrong Crowd Beer Company. The temperature was soaring, but so were expectations...and the BOMBers would not be disappointed. Wrong Crowd welcomed us with open arms...and lots of great tasting cold beer. |
We only had to walk... literally...round the corner to our next stop on the tour...Artillery Brewing Company. Tucked down Granite Alley, this gem of a brewery might be missed if you were strolling down Hannum Avenue. If you missed it, you would have missed a lot. According to co-owner and co-founder Mike Loveless, Artillery prides itself in brewing rock solid beers mixed with a bit of PA history. |