Our intraclub home-brew competition
The BOMBing Run is an annual intraclub home-brew competition for members of the Band of Media Brewers. It is where we brew previously agreed upon styles three times a year, and taste and declare a winner. It's for fun, to learn and for bragging rights. Sign up today! Details below.
2024 BOMBing Run Rules of Entry
All information for the BOMBing Run will now be on our website. To keep up to date on standings, timing of beers and styles, bookmark the BOMBing Run page.
Rounds and Beer Styles
While not a BJCP-judged competition, we do want to set some guidelines for entry. Each submission should aim to be within the listed style guidelines below. If you have any questions, please ask at our next meeting. You can refer to the style guidelines at www.bjcp.org.
Round 1 - American Pale Ale (BJCP 18B) - April Club Meeting
Round 2 - Kolsch (BJCP 5B) - July Club Meeting
Round 3 - Barleywine, American or English (BJCP 22C or 17D) - November Club Meeting
Rules of entry
1. Only 2024 General members (Paid) may enter.
2. The BOMBing Run will be limited to 12 individuals/teams. If more than 12 individuals/teams register, a lottery will be used to select contestants.
3. Entries must be in the style given - see BJCP guidelines.
4. One entry, per person/team, per style
5. At least 1 six pack of 12oz LABEL FREE brown bottles with PLAIN SILVER CAPS.
6. Entry registration ends at midnight on the day of the February club meeting.
Voting will be done via "crowd favorite" at the given monthly meeting. Each person or team at the judging club night will receive 5 tickets and will vote for their favorite beer/beers. At the end of the night the tickets will be added up and points will be assigned.
The winner will be determined by a point system described below. Points will be determined by the number of participants that entered the competition, not the number of entries each round. Crowd favorite voting (5 tickets per guest to be used in any way)
Whomever is ranked #1 at the end of the November Club night judging will be crowned winner of the Bombing Run and hold the title of said year's "The Bomb".
BOMBing Run Finals tiebreaker goes to the member with the most overall votes throughout the year. If a BOMBer skips a round, they may enter the following round. If they skip more than one round, they will be disqualified.
Point System
As stated in the rules, points will be determined by the number of members registered at the beginning of the BOMBing Run. For example, if 10 members enter the competition, the most points one can earn, per round, is 10 points; 12 members, 12 points and so on. Members will be ranked by points they earn after each round of voting is complete. Points earned will equal the place you come in the night of judging.
Example: 10 contestants
1st place 10 points
2nd place 9 points
3rd place 8 points
4th place 7 points
With eventually 10 place getting 1 point.
If there is a tie, points will be handed out for that place and the next rank will be determined by how many is in the tie.
Example: 10 contestants
If there is a tie for first place each competitor will receive 10 points with the next competitor being in 3th place receiving 8 points, etc. If 3 people tie for lowest tokens they would tie for 8th place and receive 3 points.
All information for the BOMBing Run will now be on our website. To keep up to date on standings, timing of beers and styles, bookmark the BOMBing Run page.
Rounds and Beer Styles
While not a BJCP-judged competition, we do want to set some guidelines for entry. Each submission should aim to be within the listed style guidelines below. If you have any questions, please ask at our next meeting. You can refer to the style guidelines at www.bjcp.org.
Round 1 - American Pale Ale (BJCP 18B) - April Club Meeting
Round 2 - Kolsch (BJCP 5B) - July Club Meeting
Round 3 - Barleywine, American or English (BJCP 22C or 17D) - November Club Meeting
Rules of entry
1. Only 2024 General members (Paid) may enter.
2. The BOMBing Run will be limited to 12 individuals/teams. If more than 12 individuals/teams register, a lottery will be used to select contestants.
3. Entries must be in the style given - see BJCP guidelines.
4. One entry, per person/team, per style
5. At least 1 six pack of 12oz LABEL FREE brown bottles with PLAIN SILVER CAPS.
6. Entry registration ends at midnight on the day of the February club meeting.
Voting will be done via "crowd favorite" at the given monthly meeting. Each person or team at the judging club night will receive 5 tickets and will vote for their favorite beer/beers. At the end of the night the tickets will be added up and points will be assigned.
The winner will be determined by a point system described below. Points will be determined by the number of participants that entered the competition, not the number of entries each round. Crowd favorite voting (5 tickets per guest to be used in any way)
Whomever is ranked #1 at the end of the November Club night judging will be crowned winner of the Bombing Run and hold the title of said year's "The Bomb".
BOMBing Run Finals tiebreaker goes to the member with the most overall votes throughout the year. If a BOMBer skips a round, they may enter the following round. If they skip more than one round, they will be disqualified.
Point System
As stated in the rules, points will be determined by the number of members registered at the beginning of the BOMBing Run. For example, if 10 members enter the competition, the most points one can earn, per round, is 10 points; 12 members, 12 points and so on. Members will be ranked by points they earn after each round of voting is complete. Points earned will equal the place you come in the night of judging.
Example: 10 contestants
1st place 10 points
2nd place 9 points
3rd place 8 points
4th place 7 points
With eventually 10 place getting 1 point.
If there is a tie, points will be handed out for that place and the next rank will be determined by how many is in the tie.
Example: 10 contestants
If there is a tie for first place each competitor will receive 10 points with the next competitor being in 3th place receiving 8 points, etc. If 3 people tie for lowest tokens they would tie for 8th place and receive 3 points.
2024 BOMBing Run Results
ROUND 1 - American Pale Ale - April 2024
Joe Watts Paul Ward/Vic Orlando/Brent Mattingly/Dan Cooper Rich Sparano/Mark Gibble David Higgins Adam Ritter/Kevin Harkness Steve Marler Mat Kelly Ed Nelling/Laureen Nelling Dave Bill Derek Bosworth Mike Duprez |
Bottle #
2 7 9 5 8 10 1 3 6 4 11 |
12 25 12 15 30 4 1 3 7 1 3 |
8 10 8 9 11 5 2 4 6 2 4 |
2024 BOMBing Run Results
ROUND 2 - Kolsch - July 2024
Joe Watts Paul Ward/Vic Orlando/Brent Mattingly/Dan Cooper Rich Sparano/Mark Gibble David Higgins Adam Ritter/Kevin Harkness Steve Marler Mat Kelly Ed Nelling/Laureen Nelling Dave Bill Derek Bosworth Mike Duprez |
Bottle #
4 3 7 2 5 6 8 9 1 |
21 11 16 12 8 10 7 2 3 |
11 8 10 9 6 7 5 3 4 |
'24 Votes
33 36 28 27 38 14 8 5 7 4 3 |
'24 Score
19 18 18 18 17 12 7 7 6 6 4 |
ROUND 3 - Barleywine - November 21, 2024
2024 BOMBing Run Results
2023 BOMBing Run Results
ROUND 1 - British Strong Ale - April 20, 2023
Paul Ward/Dan Cooper/Brent Mattingly/Vic Orlando Michael Duprez Brian Weir/Todd Eaton Derek Bosworth Jacob Wilson Kevin Harkness Joe Watts Mat Kelly Kevin Kebea John Ponte Adam Ritter Chris Noll |
Bottle #
9 1 10 5 11 7 2 4 8 3 12 6 |
37 28 16 15 11 10 9 6 6 5 1 1 |
12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 5 3 2 2 |
ROUND 2 - Hazy/New England IPA - July 20, 2023
Adam Ritter Paul Ward/Dan Cooper/Brent Mattingly/Vic Orlando Kevin Keba Chris Noll Brian Weir/Todd Eaton Derek Bosworth Kevin Harkness Joe Watts Micheal Duprez Mat Kelly John Ponte |
Bottle #
12 10 6 11 2 1 8 9 4 3 5 |
39 20 17 12 10 7 4 2 0 0 0 |
12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 4 4 |
Total Votes
40 57 23 13 26 22 14 11 28 6 5 |
2023 Score Total
14 23 15 11 18 16 13 11 15 9 7 |
ROUND 3 - Schwarzbier - November 16, 2023
Derek Bosworth Joe Watts P Ward/D Cooper/B Mattingly/V Orlando Mat Kelly John Ponte Micheal Duprez Adam Ritter Brian Weir/Todd Eaton Jacob Wilson Kevin Keba Chris Noll Kevin Harkness |
Bottle #
6 1 2 7 8 9 5 3 4 |
59 58 15 6 4 2 1 0 0 |
12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 5 |
Total Votes
81 69 72 12 9 30 41 26 11 23 13 14 |
2023 Total Score
28 22 33 18 15 22 20 23 13 15 11 13 |
2023 BOMBing Run Winners
See past BOMBing Runs
This is by far our favorite meetings each year. BOMBing run forces our members to brew outside the box, outside their comfort zone and be part of a friendly competition.
See more pictures and stories of BOMBing Runs past.
See more pictures and stories of BOMBing Runs past.