The February 2022 BOMB meeting was conducted in person at the Sterling Pig Brewery. 32 members attended. The agenda included: - Upcoming Club Events - Tim Downey - How to Brew - Mashing with a Sous Vide - Tim Downey & Rich Sparano - Announcement of a Lallemand sponsored brewing competition - Dr. Matt Farber, University of the Sciences. Lallemand will judge the BOMB brewer entries of the club competition and the winner will brew at the University of the Sciences lab and have their beer featured at the BOMB booth on club night at this year's Homebrew Con in Pittsburgh, PA. 20 BOMBers signed up for the competition that night. Links to the video can be found below and on the BOMB YouTube channel. The January 2022 BOMB meeting was conducted via Zoom. 31 members attended virtually. The agenda included:
- State of the Club - Tim Downey - Deep Dive with Style -Helles- Alex Crowe - After meeting virtual social Links to the videos can be found below and on the BOMB YouTube channel. Every year, we begin the year talking about...the year ahead as a club. The goal of the Band of Media Brewers is to provide a club that is run by its members, so this meeting acts as a voice of the member meeting, where we review their feedback, and our plans for the year. For 2020, we discussed the following topics:
We outlined our plan for the year, how we have lots to look forward to and as always we shared and drank lots of homebrew. Over 45 people were at this meeting, it was a great conversation about the year ahead. |